Ails and Islay Wharf are two adjoining sites with separate clients in the Mayor's Poplar Riverside Housing Zone. These sites will regenerate one of the last remaining large brownfield sites in Tower Hamlets, transforming a heavily contaminated 2.75ha of unused barren land next to the River Lea. Situated between a busy urban motorway and the river, the key to unlocking this site has been to change the perception of it, from a post-industrial wasteland to a new vibrant urban quarter. The proposals will create an exciting mixed-use hub of new homes, offices, retail, and leisure facilities set within significant areas of the new public realm providing a green oasis along this part of the river. The layout has been specifically designed to improve permeability through the site to a new riverwalk, alongside a proposed new footbridge across Bow Creek linking Tower Hamlets to Newham. Islay Wharf is a new marker building for the long-awaited bridge which is centred on the new public riverside space.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: CGI’s Provided by Stockwool and SN Developments
Consortium of Land Owners & SN Developments
RIBA 1 - 3+
Ailsa; Stockwool, Islay; DGA Archtects
Urban Design